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  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2019-05-11
  • Size : 3kb
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  • Author :viki****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
List all flights departing from North Pole on December 24, 2005 (dataQ1.xquery); (2) Query the busiest airports (calculated departure and arrival flights) and the total number of incoming and outgoing flights (dataQ2.xquery) from December 2005 to 24; (3) List the airports (ignoring airports without passengers) and the total number of passengers in and out (dataQ3.xquery) according to the busy degree of airports (calculating the total number of passengers in and out) from December to 24, 2005; (4) Query the destination of all passengers named Santa Claus (dataQ4.xquery); In the above query plan, 3. It is relatively complex and needs to use some nested queries. If necessary, sub-queries can be written step by step. By debugging or executing the observation results, a complete query plan can be formed. Some nested queries can also be encapsulated as functions (sequence types need to be used to define functions) to increase the readability of the query plan.
Packet file list
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dataQ2.xquery 499 2019-04-01
dataQ4.xquery 623 2019-03-28
dataQ1.xquery 68 2019-03-28
dataQ3.xquery 522 2019-03-28
Flights-Data.xml 14573 2012-11-05
__MACOSX 0 2019-04-19
__MACOSX\._Flights-Data.xml 243 2012-11-05
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