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ForShare 8.28远控源码(1)

  • Category : Windows Develop
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  • Update : 2019-05-12
  • Size : 13.75mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :asas****
  • About : Nobody
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(Forshare8.28 complete source code)
Packet file list
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ForShare 8.28\Bin\CACHE\KEYSAVE\33383030636330303035323165383030.key 3766 2015-07-03
ForShare 8.28\Bin\CACHE\KEYSAVE\64363237616163666436323761616366.key 3159 2015-07-04
ForShare 8.28\Bin\PcShare.exe 11959296 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\Bin\PcShare.ini 109 2015-07-25
ForShare 8.28\Bin\QQWry.dat 9269237 2015-07-01
ForShare 8.28\Bin\SkinH.dll 86528 2013-11-18
ForShare 8.28\Bin\SkinH.she 6971 2013-06-10
ForShare 8.28\Bin\update\PcMain.dll 281088 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\Bin\update\Server.Dat 323584 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\Bin\update\Server.rar 8722 2015-07-25
ForShare 8.28\Bin\xvid.exe 652794 2015-06-27
ForShare 8.28\ForShare.dsw 928 2015-07-04
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\CursorInfo.h 2169 2015-02-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\C_junction.h 785545 2015-04-14
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\Lzw.cpp 5083 2007-09-21
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\Lzw.h 9796 2009-12-15
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyAudioTrans.cpp 4102 2015-07-01
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyAudioTrans.h 985 2015-07-01
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyClientMain.cpp 15489 2015-07-04
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyClientMain.h 1615 2015-07-03
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyClientTran.cpp 10643 2015-07-01
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyClientTran.h 1346 2015-06-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyDownTrans.cpp 2387 2010-01-05
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyDownTrans.h 594 2009-12-23
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyFrameTrans.cpp 21758 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyFrameTrans.h 2853 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyKeyMTrans.cpp 10113 2015-07-03
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyKeyMTrans.h 751 2015-07-03
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyMainFunc.cpp 7696 2014-12-13
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyMainFunc.h 1958 2009-12-29
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyMainTrans.cpp 30630 2010-01-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyMainTrans.h 2032 2009-12-30
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyTlntTrans.cpp 6085 2010-03-20
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyTlntTrans.h 1031 2009-12-21
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyUpTrans.cpp 2405 2015-07-03
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyUpTrans.h 578 2010-01-05
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyVideoTrans.cpp 8446 2014-12-12
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\MyVideoTrans.h 4122 2009-12-22
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\PcMain.bbs 115 2010-04-10
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\PcMain.cpp 4361 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\PcMain.def 205 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\PcMain.dsp 4990 2015-07-04
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\PcMain.dsw 537 2010-01-26
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\PcMain.plg 3443 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\PSAPI.H 4177 2007-09-20
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\Psapi.Lib 7230 2002-08-09
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\ReadMe.txt 1613 2007-09-20
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\Release\PcMain.exp 648 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\Release\PcMain.lib 1960 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\ScreenManager.cpp 10096 2014-12-18
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\ScreenManager.h 1432 2014-12-13
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\ScreenSpy.cpp 16721 2014-12-18
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\ScreenSpy.h 2045 2014-12-17
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\StdAfx.cpp 293 2007-09-20
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\StdAfx.h 1628 2015-06-27
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\strmbasd.lib 2043542 2009-11-23
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\STRMBASE.lib 1087554 2009-11-24
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\until.cpp 7389 2014-12-13
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\until.h 1049 2014-12-15
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\zconf.h 13375 2010-04-18
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\zlib.h 79564 2010-04-19
ForShare 8.28\PcMain\zlib.lib 116858 2011-07-09
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\AnyFileToByte.exe 325072 2011-07-26
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\ChildFrm.cpp 1535 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\ChildFrm.h 1397 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\MainFrm.cpp 2525 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\MainFrm.h 1542 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\MemLoadDll.h 27064 2015-07-25
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcMain.dll 129024 2015-06-29
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServer.clw 2801 2015-07-03
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServer.cpp 5647 2015-07-04
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServer.dsp 4810 2015-07-01
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServer.dsw 522 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServer.h 1378 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServer.plg 1203 2015-07-27
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServer.rc 12097 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServerDoc.cpp 1782 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServerDoc.h 1497 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServerView.cpp 2639 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\PcServerView.h 1923 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\ReadMe.txt 4820 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\res\PcServer.ico 1078 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\res\PcServer.rc2 400 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\res\PcServerDoc.ico 1078 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\Resource.h 496 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\ShllCodeDec.bat 128 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\ShllCodeDec.exe 36864 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\StdAfx.cpp 210 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcServer\StdAfx.h 1280 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\BulidServer.cpp 6441 2015-07-03
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\BulidServer.h 2769 2015-07-01
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\CursorInfo.h 2169 2014-12-13
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\dot.cur 326 2008-02-06
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\drv 6589 2007-09-20
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\FlatHeaderCtrl.cpp 12982 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\FlatHeaderCtrl.h 1937 2015-06-28
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\Lzw.cpp 5386 2010-03-10
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\Lzw.h 9862 2010-03-05
ForShare 8.28\PcShare\MainFrm.cpp 21710 2015-07-27
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