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  • Category : CSharp
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  • Update : 2019-06-17
  • Size : 40.27mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :拟***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
1) Designing a student Student, including data members: name, student number, two courses (object-oriented programming, advanced mathematics) results. (2) Create a kind of management for students, including the functions of increasing, deleting, modifying students'data, sorting students according to course scores, saving students' data to files and loading files. (3) Create a MFC application program based on dialog box. The title of the program window has your name, student number and application. (4) Create a single document MFC application program. Read the students'scores in the files saved in (3) and display the scores distribution of all students in a course by histogram and broken line. Program name. Classes in (1) and (2) are used to input and manage students'information and grades.
Packet file list
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MyProject33 0 2018-12-27
MyProject33\Add.cpp 2130 2018-12-25
MyProject33\Add.h 1251 2018-12-25
MyProject33\Debug 0 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\Add.obj 19322 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\Add.sbr 0 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\DetailDlg.obj 19084 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\DetailDlg.sbr 0 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.bsc 3810304 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.exe 2179170 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.ilk 2551176 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.obj 18141 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.pch 6846216 2018-12-25
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.pdb 4219904 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.res 9872 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33.sbr 0 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33Dlg.obj 50212 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\MyProject33Dlg.sbr 0 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\record.txt 0 2018-12-27
MyProject33\Debug\StdAfx.obj 105885 2018-12-25
MyProject33\Debug\StdAfx.sbr 1362946 2018-12-25
MyProject33\Debug\Student.obj 9618 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\Student.sbr 0 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\StudentManage.obj 59653 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\StudentManage.sbr 0 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Debug\vc60.idb 254976 2018-12-27
MyProject33\Debug\vc60.pdb 389120 2018-12-26
MyProject33\DetailDlg.cpp 2647 2018-12-25
MyProject33\DetailDlg.h 1339 2018-12-25
MyProject33\ipch 0 2017-09-10
MyProject33\ipch\myproject33-b24a5b98 0 2017-09-10
MyProject33\ipch\myproject33-b24a5b98\myproject33-9b7ab9d9.ipch 69074944 2015-07-21
MyProject33\MyProject33.aps 39860 2018-12-26
MyProject33\MyProject33.clw 3303 2018-12-27
MyProject33\MyProject33.cpp 2133 2015-06-26
MyProject33\MyProject33.dsp 4736 2018-12-25
MyProject33\MyProject33.dsw 528 2015-06-25
MyProject33\MyProject33.h 1482 2018-12-25
MyProject33\MyProject33.ncb 140288 2018-12-27
MyProject33\MyProject33.opt 53760 2018-12-27
MyProject33\MyProject33.plg 256 2018-12-27
MyProject33\MyProject33.rc 8116 2018-12-26
MyProject33\MyProject33.sdf 61558784 2015-07-21
MyProject33\MyProject33.sln 888 2015-07-21
MyProject33\MyProject33.suo 13312 2015-07-21
MyProject33\MyProject33.vcxproj 8160 2015-07-21
MyProject33\MyProject33.vcxproj.filters 2678 2015-07-21
MyProject33\MyProject33.vcxproj.user 143 2015-07-21
MyProject33\MyProject33Dlg.cpp 8871 2018-12-26
MyProject33\MyProject33Dlg.h 1655 2018-12-26
MyProject33\ReadMe.txt 3669 2015-06-25
MyProject33\record.txt 656 2018-12-27
MyProject33\res 0 2017-09-10
MyProject33\resource.h 2297 2018-12-26
MyProject33\res\MyProject33.ico 1078 2015-06-25
MyProject33\res\MyProject33.rc2 403 2015-06-25
MyProject33\StdAfx.cpp 213 2015-06-25
MyProject33\StdAfx.h 1054 2015-06-25
MyProject33\Student.cpp 670 2018-12-26
MyProject33\Student.h 664 2018-12-26
MyProject33\StudentManage.cpp 2134 2018-12-26
MyProject33\StudentManage.h 793 2018-12-26
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
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