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  • Update : 2020-03-01
  • Size : 245kb
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  • Author :hj***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Matlab is a programming software, also known as a matrix laboratory. It has made great contributions in numerical calculations. Multi-objective optimization problems are an optimization method in the field of optimization, and the solutions obtained are compromise solutions. Optimization problems can be divided into constrained multi-objective optimization problems and unconstrained multi-objective optimization problems. In real life, many problems can be considered as multi-objective optimization problems, such as traveling salesman problem, engineering problem, securities investment problem, etc. The matlab programming software has a good solution display effect.
Packet file list
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MOEA-master 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\.gitignore 393 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\LICENSE 1073 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MODE 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MODE\MODE.m 2531 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MODE\evaluate.m 2234 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MODE\objectiveDescription.m 1841 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\CostFunction.m 2005 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\CreateGrid.m 641 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\DeleteOneRepMember.m 650 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\DetermineDomination.m 365 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\Dominates.m 186 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\FindGridIndex.m 581 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\Mutate.m 464 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\ObjectiveDescription.m 1092 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\PlotCosts.m 339 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\RouletteWheelSelection.m 190 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\SelectLeader.m 648 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\MOPSO\mopso.m 4129 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Readme.txt 184 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_CONSTR.m 394 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_CONSTR_objfun.m 257 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_KUR.m 394 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_KUR_objfun.m 249 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_OSY.m 408 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_OSY_objfun.m 624 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_SCH.m 386 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_SCH_objfun.m 109 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_TNK.m 391 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_TNK_objfun.m 440 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT1.m 403 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT1_objfun.m 205 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT2.m 403 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT2_objfun.m 212 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT3.m 403 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT3_objfun.m 232 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT4.m 415 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT4_objfun.m 207 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT6.m 403 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\TP_ZDT6_objfun.m 245 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\CONSTR.fig 3176 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\KUR.fig 2493 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\OSY.fig 3344 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\SCH.fig 2500 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\TNK.fig 2937 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\ZDT1.fig 2479 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\ZDT2.fig 2476 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\ZDT3.fig 2491 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\ZDT4.fig 2443 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\Test Problem Results\ZDT6.fig 2210 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\crossoverOp.m 1118 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\evaluate.m 332 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\extractPop.m 1232 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\initpop.m 237 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\mutationOp.m 1700 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\ndsort.m 4583 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\nsga2.m 1191 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\nsgaopt.m 1033 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\selectOp.m 469 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\NSGA-II\varlimit.m 190 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\CostFunction.m 2005 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\CrowdingDistance.m 864 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\DeleteOneRepMember.m 273 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\DetermineDomination.m 365 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\Dominates.m 186 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\NonUniformMutation.m 777 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\OMOPSO.m 4618 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\OMOPSO_ZDT4.fig 32992 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\ObjectiveDescription.m 1088 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\PlotCosts.m 339 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\RouletteWheelSelection.m 190 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\OMOPSO\UniformMutation.m 517 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\ 45 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\SMPSO.m 5731 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results 0 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\KUR.fig 19793 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\SCH.fig 19801 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\SRN.fig 4247 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\Test3.fig 7873 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\ZDT1.fig 19897 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\ZDT2.fig 19883 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\ZDT3.fig 20211 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\ZDT4.fig 19912 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\Test Problem Results\ZDT6.fig 19843 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\computeSpeed.m 1918 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\crowdingDistanceAssignment.m 1211 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\dominanceCompare.m 1427 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\evaluate.m 2370 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\evaluateConstraints.m 880 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\leadersAdd.m 1107 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\objectiveDescription.m 1757 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\plotCosts.m 565 2016-05-25
MOEA-master\SMPSO\polynomialMutation.m 1986 2016-05-25
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