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  • Category : physical calculation
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  • Update : 2020-03-08
  • Size : 2.14mb
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  • Author :QiuS*****
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Anderson's computational fluid dynamics source code
Packet file list
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7\nozzle\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\Debug\nozzle.exe 389174 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\Debug\nozzle.ilk 333492 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\Debug\nozzle.obj 22603 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\Debug\nozzle.pdb 345088 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\nozzle.dsp 3229 2003-05-09
7\nozzle\nozzle.dsw 535 2003-05-09
7\nozzle\nozzle.for 4397 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\nozzle.ncb 33792 2006-10-05
7\nozzle\nozzle.opt 48640 2006-10-05
7\nozzle\nozzle.plg 803 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\output\output.dat 1953 2003-05-11
7\nozzle\output\outputa.dat 51800 2003-05-11
7\nozzle_con\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\Debug\nozzle_con.exe 389182 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\Debug\nozzle_con.ilk 344988 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\Debug\nozzle_con.obj 25059 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\Debug\nozzle_con.pdb 345088 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\nozzle_con.dsp 3277 2003-05-11
7\nozzle_con\nozzle_con.dsw 543 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\nozzle_con.for 4727 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\nozzle_con.ncb 33792 2006-10-05
7\nozzle_con\nozzle_con.opt 48640 2006-10-05
7\nozzle_con\nozzle_con.plg 839 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\output\output.dat 2697 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_con\output\outputa.dat 51800 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_shock\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\Debug\nozzle_shock.exe 397378 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\Debug\nozzle_shock.ilk 349916 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\Debug\nozzle_shock.obj 33574 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\Debug\nozzle_shock.pdb 345088 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\nozzle_shock.dsp 3301 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_shock\nozzle_shock.dsw 547 2003-05-12
7\nozzle_shock\nozzle_shock.for 7045 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\nozzle_shock.opt 43520 2003-05-31
7\nozzle_shock\nozzle_shock.plg 857 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\output\output.dat 5307 2003-05-15
7\nozzle_shock\output\outputa.dat 51800 2003-05-15
8\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-05-25
8\Debug\pmew2d.exe 450607 2003-05-25
8\Debug\pmew2d.ilk 340992 2003-05-25
8\Debug\pmew2d.obj 77124 2003-05-25
8\Debug\pmew2d.pdb 214016 2003-05-25
8\output\marching.dat 416334 2003-05-25
8\output\output.dat 7216 2003-05-25
8\pmew2d.dsp 3229 2003-05-25
8\pmew2d.dsw 535 2003-05-25
8\pmew2d.for 13693 2003-08-15
8\pmew2d.for.bak 13690 2003-05-25
8\pmew2d.ncb 41984 2006-10-05
8\pmew2d.opt 48640 2006-10-05
8\pmew2d.plg 789 2003-05-25
9\EXPLICIT\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\Debug\EXPLICIT.EXE 364596 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\Debug\EXPLICIT.ILK 314716 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\Debug\EXPLICIT.OBJ 7064 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\Debug\EXPLICIT.PDB 328704 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\EXPLICIT.DSP 3251 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\EXPLICIT.DSW 539 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\EXPLICIT.F 1829 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\EXPLICIT.OPT 43520 2003-08-04
9\EXPLICIT\EXPLICIT.PLG 820 2003-08-04
9\SIMPLE\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-08-03
9\SIMPLE\Debug\SIMPLE.EXE 376880 2003-08-03
9\SIMPLE\Debug\SIMPLE.ILK 333196 2003-08-03
9\SIMPLE\Debug\SIMPLE.OBJ 33469 2003-08-03
9\SIMPLE\Debug\SIMPLE.PDB 320512 2003-08-03
9\SIMPLE\OUTPUT\PLOT.DAT 15562 2003-08-03
9\SIMPLE\SIMPLE.DSP 3227 2003-07-27
9\SIMPLE\SIMPLE.DSW 535 2003-07-27
9\SIMPLE\SIMPLE.F 6237 2003-08-03
9\SIMPLE\SIMPLE.ncb 33792 2006-09-24
9\SIMPLE\Simple.opt 48640 2006-09-24
9\SIMPLE\SIMPLE.PLG 802 2003-08-03
9\THOMAS\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\Debug\THOMAS.EXE 368688 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\Debug\THOMAS.ILK 313168 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\Debug\THOMAS.OBJ 10340 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\Debug\THOMAS.PDB 345088 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\OUTPUT\OUTPUT.DAT 36320 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\THOMAS.DSP 3227 2003-05-25
9\THOMAS\THOMAS.DSW 535 2003-05-25
9\THOMAS\THOMAS.F 2525 2003-08-15
9\THOMAS\THOMAS.F.bak 2522 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\THOMAS.OPT 43520 2003-08-04
9\THOMAS\THOMAS.PLG 801 2003-08-04
10\BC.F 2122 2003-08-08
10\CONVER.F 593 2003-08-07
10\Debug\BC.OBJ 12083 2003-08-08
10\Debug\CONVER.OBJ 4687 2003-08-08
10\Debug\DF60.PDB 25600 2003-08-08
10\Debug\DYNVIS.OBJ 1537 2003-08-05
10\Debug\MAC.OBJ 45549 2003-08-08
10\Debug\MAIN.EXE 528424 2003-08-08
10\Debug\MAIN.ILK 400852 2003-08-08
10\Debug\MAIN.OBJ 8012 2003-08-08
10\Debug\MAIN.PDB 402432 2003-08-08
10\Debug\MDOT.OBJ 3951 2003-08-08
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