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  • Category : Windows Develop
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  • Update : 2020-04-03
  • Size : 229kb
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  • Author :wzp***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The VC ++ LAN chat program uses Socket to divide the main program into two parts: server and client. The combination of UDP and TCP / IP is adopted to effectively improve the timeliness and stability of data transmission. This program also uses multi-threaded programming to solve the problem of program blocking itself.
Packet file list
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局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\AppIdDlg.cpp 1586 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\AppIdDlg.h 1261 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\InfoDlg.cpp 4538 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\InfoDlg.h 1597 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\LoginDlg.cpp 1684 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\LoginDlg.h 1339 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\MsgDlg.cpp 1864 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\MsgDlg.h 1293 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\QQClient.cpp 2191 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\QQClient.dsp 5947 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\QQClient.dsw 539 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\QQClient.h 1346 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\QQClient.rc 11801 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\QQClientDlg.cpp 21272 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\QQClientDlg.h 3450 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\ReadMe.txt 3615 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\1.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\12.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\13.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\17.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\18.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\23.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\4.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\6.bmp 4152 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\bitmap10.bmp 1718 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\FACE02.ICO 1078 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\icon1.ico 766 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\icon2.ico 766 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\icon3.ico 766 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\QQClient.ico 1078 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\QQClient.rc2 400 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\Thumbs.db 43008 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\未命名.bmp 35622 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\未命名2.bmp 9070 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res\未命名3.bmp 19878 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\Resource.h 2509 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\SendMsg.cpp 1808 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\SendMsg.h 1310 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\StdAfx.cpp 210 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\StdAfx.h 1093 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\Chat.cpp 2135 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\Chat.dsp 4297 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\Chat.dsw 531 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\Chat.h 1302 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\Chat.rc 6869 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\ChatDlg.cpp 17398 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\ChatDlg.h 2209 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\ReadMe.txt 3543 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\res\Chat.ico 1078 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\res\Chat.rc2 396 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\res\Thumbs.db 6144 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\resource.h 1511 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\StdAfx.cpp 206 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\StdAfx.h 1093 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\SysMsgSendDlg.cpp 1264 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\SysMsgSendDlg.h 1248 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\images\ClientLogin.JPG 29540 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\images\Connect.JPG 57213 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\images\SendMsg.JPG 33151 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\images\Server.JPG 29998 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\稿件.htm 1537 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient\res 0 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server\res 0 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\QQClient 0 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code\Server 0 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\Code 0 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具\images 0 2020-03-11
局域网聊天工具 0 2020-03-11
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