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  • Category : Game Program
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  • Update : 2020-05-24
  • Size : 2.78mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :赵*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Millennium server, single server, Millennium
Packet file list
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百度千年\gate1000\addr.txt 28 2009-02-27
百度千年\gate1000\CreateChar.ini 236 2005-10-12
百度千年\gate1000\DontChar.txt 178 2001-11-17
百度千年\gate1000\gate.exe 516096 2005-10-12
百度千年\gate1000\gate.ini 405 2009-02-27
百度千年\gate1000\Gate.LOG 31262 2003-09-26
百度千年\gate1000\gate1000.acs 25612 2002-09-25
百度千年\gate1000\remoteip.txt 75 2001-11-19
百度千年\gate1000\Village.Ini 64 2009-02-14
百度千年\gate1000\wintosan.tbl 65536 1998-07-04
百度千年\dbserver\db.exe 550400 2004-11-05
百度千年\dbserver\DB.INI 277 2004-11-14
百度千年\dbserver\dfm.$$$ 6111 2004-10-20
百度千年\dbserver\IPCheck.LOG 1201 2009-03-08
百度千年\dbserver\IPList.txt 9 2004-11-14
百度千年\dbserver\ModifyMagic.LOG 0 2004-10-15
百度千年\dbserver\remoteip.txt 9 2004-11-14
百度千年\dbserver\Web\Today.SDB 561507 2009-03-08
百度千年\dbserver\Userdata\Today.SDB 570109 2009-03-08
百度千年\login\employers.mdb 126976 2005-10-13
百度千年\login\login.exe 225280 2005-10-14
百度千年\login\使用说明.txt 737 2004-11-26
百度千年\login\WriteLog.txt 10792 2008-08-28
百度千年\Balance\Balance.exe 438784 2005-10-12
百度千年\Balance\BALANCE.INI 49 2001-05-31
百度千年\wintosan.tbl 65536 1998-07-04
百度千年\Guild\CreateGuild.sdb 248 2010-05-17
百度千年\Guild\DeletedGuild.SDB 105 2006-11-03
百度千年\Help\start.txt 537 2006-11-27
百度千年\Help\宝芝林.txt 222 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\捕盗大将.txt 278 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\陈品.txt 253 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\古墓商人.txt 316 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\鬼剑战云.txt 202 2006-02-23
百度千年\Help\何嫁人.txt 179 2005-05-18
百度千年\Help\金食糖.txt 183 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\老板娘.txt 228 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\老侠客.txt 320 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\美容师.txt 187 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\女铁匠.txt 282 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\雾丸.txt 183 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\小胖.txt 205 2005-05-18
百度千年\Help\药材商.txt 285 2006-12-13
百度千年\Help\雨中客.txt 279 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\至善方丈.txt 244 2005-07-31
百度千年\Help\至远大师.txt 294 2005-07-31
百度千年\Init\AddArmor.sdb 62 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\AddAttribGrade.sdb 29 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\AddAttribProbability.sdb 39 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\AddDamage.sdb 66 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\AddPalmDamage.sdb 76 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\AM&WHRelation.sdb 81 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\AreaData.sdb 703 2006-05-02
百度千年\Init\BestMagic1Cycle.sdb 434 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\BestMagic2Cycle.sdb 433 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\BestMagic3Cycle.sdb 434 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\BestMagicStateData.sdb 114 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\ConsumeEnergy.sdb 39 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\DynamicObject.sdb 1275 2006-05-02
百度千年\Init\EnergyLimitTable.SDB 28 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\Event.sdb 41 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\EventParam.sdb 124 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\Item.sdb 31082 2006-12-13
百度千年\Init\ItemDrug.sdb 729 2006-05-02
百度千年\Init\JobGrade.sdb 160 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\JobTalent.sdb 36 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\JobUpgrade.sdb 165 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\Magic.sdb 16118 2006-12-13
百度千年\Init\MagicParam.sdb 178 2006-05-02
百度千年\Init\Map.sdb 2003 2006-12-07
百度千年\Init\MineObject.sdb 122 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\MineObjectAvail.sdb 82 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\MineObjectShape.sdb 31 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\Monster.sdb 7853 2006-12-09
百度千年\Init\NeedStatePoint.sdb 30 2004-04-29
百度千年\Init\Npc.sdb 3224 2006-12-09
百度千年\Init\PosByDie.sdb 106 2006-11-10
百度千年\Init\PowerLevel.sdb 398 2006-10-23
百度千年\Init\QuestSummary.sdb 47 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\SmeltItem.sdb 19 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\SmeltItem2.sdb 19 2006-04-30
百度千年\Init\ToolRate.sdb 157 2006-04-30
百度千年\Itemlog\ItemLog.BIN 88000018 2010-05-17
百度千年\NpcSetting\宝芝林.txt 466 2005-05-18
百度千年\NpcSetting\捕盗大将.txt 206 2005-08-10
百度千年\NpcSetting\陈品.txt 286 2005-07-31
百度千年\NpcSetting\鬼剑战云.txt 106 2006-02-23
百度千年\NpcSetting\何嫁人.txt 453 2005-05-18
百度千年\NpcSetting\金食糖.txt 286 2005-07-31
百度千年\NpcSetting\老板娘.txt 782 2005-08-03
百度千年\NpcSetting\老侠客.txt 224 2005-07-31
百度千年\NpcSetting\美容师.txt 259 2005-05-18
百度千年\NpcSetting\女铁匠.txt 189 2005-08-03
百度千年\NpcSetting\药材商.txt 535 2006-02-23
百度千年\Script\System.txt 1243 2003-07-28
百度千年\Script\宝芝林.txt 2435 2003-07-08
百度千年\Script\捕盗大将.txt 2425 2003-07-08
百度千年\Script\陈品.txt 4097 2003-07-08
百度千年\Script\古墓商人.txt 3320 2005-07-31
百度千年\Script\鬼剑战云.txt 1379 2006-02-23
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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