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VT_demo 编译修复

  • Category : Windows Develop
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  • Update : 2020-06-15
  • Size : 24.79mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :F*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Self built debugging system framework based on VT technology,
Packet file list
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.vs 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\.suo 50176 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\Browse.VC.db 15437824 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\1dd69359a518d246 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\1dd69359a518d246\ANTIANTIDEBUGALL.ipch 19660800 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\31e5503b7d27076a 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\31e5503b7d27076a\SYSCALLHOOK.ipch 18808832 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\ba38029b663a8c80 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\ba38029b663a8c80\DRIVER.ipch 21626880 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\bb03db6425c32119 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\bb03db6425c32119\TESTS.ipch 16056320 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\ecca1750c83777a4 0 2020-05-18
.vs\VT_demo\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\ecca1750c83777a4\VMXEXITHANDLERS.ipch 19005440 2020-05-18
VT_demo.sln 4251 2017-06-15
VT_demo 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\ActiveProcessDbgList.c 2880 2016-06-16
VT_demo\ActiveProcessDbgList.h 583 2016-06-16
VT_demo\amd64.h 14070 2015-11-17
VT_demo\AntiAntiDebugALL.c 55047 2016-09-15
VT_demo\AntiHookSwapContext.c 1554 2016-06-14
VT_demo\Arch 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\Arch\Intel 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\EPT.c 14620 2011-08-25
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\EPT.h 6140 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\VMCS.h 7399 2016-06-08
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\VMX.c 27350 2016-08-24
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\VMX.h 15853 2016-09-16
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\VMXa.asm 1830 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\VmxEvent.h 2343 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Arch\Intel\VmxExitHandlers.c 24821 2020-05-18
VT_demo\common.c 3864 2016-01-13
VT_demo\Core 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\Core\HVM.c 2951 2016-06-08
VT_demo\Core\HVM.h 478 2016-04-14
VT_demo\dbgfunc.asm 1132 2011-08-28
VT_demo\DbgIsMyProcess.c 2042 2016-06-02
VT_demo\dbgk.c 76820 2011-05-07
VT_demo\dbgk.h 18770 2016-06-01
VT_demo\dbgk1to2.c 74456 2016-10-12
VT_demo\dbgkm.asm 14 2016-05-07
VT_demo\DBGTOOL.c 1872 2016-04-28
VT_demo\dbgtool.h 504 2016-04-28
VT_demo\DisablePG.c 6436 2016-04-29
VT_demo\dpg.asm 5569 2016-03-13
VT_demo\Driver.c 30295 2020-05-18
VT_demo\driver.h 275 2011-05-21
VT_demo\DRRWE.c 4347 2011-06-12
VT_demo\DRRWE.h 1106 2016-05-22
VT_demo\ept.h 4678 2016-05-16
VT_demo\eptcomm.h 6186 2016-04-27
VT_demo\EptHeader.h 4317 2016-04-27
VT_demo\EptHideDebugPort.c 18 2016-08-19
VT_demo\gobalConter.h 10074 2016-06-03
VT_demo\HOOKfunctions.c 9943 2016-05-10
VT_demo\Hooks 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\Hooks\PageHook.c 12307 2016-06-25
VT_demo\Hooks\PageHook.h 2078 2016-06-11
VT_demo\Hooks\Syscall.asm 4514 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Hooks\SyscallHook.c 4218 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Hooks\SyscallHook.h 765 2016-04-14
VT_demo\hvm.c 4671 2016-01-13
VT_demo\Include 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\Include\Common.h 5094 2011-06-27
VT_demo\Include\CPU.h 10709 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Include\Native.h 12898 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Include\PE.h 11585 2016-04-14
VT_demo\initMiniHook.c 6820 2011-07-05
VT_demo\initSsdtInlineHook.c 4091 2016-06-11
VT_demo\KernelStruct.h 126740 2020-05-18
VT_demo\LDE64x6412.h 79211 2016-03-13
VT_demo\newbp.c 931 2016-01-13
VT_demo\ProtectWindow.c 22112 2016-05-26
VT_demo\R3EptHideMem.h 186 2011-06-26
VT_demo\R3EptHieMemPage.c 10219 2017-06-15
VT_demo\snprintf.c 15314 2011-10-26
VT_demo\snprintf.h 252 2011-10-26
VT_demo\SwapContext.asm 1560 2016-06-14
VT_demo\syscalhook.c 5505 2016-05-31
VT_demo\Test 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\Test\Tests.c 2607 2011-07-02
VT_demo\Test\Tests.h 163 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Txoo.h 2611 2016-06-02
VT_demo\Util 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\Util\LDasm.c 21893 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Util\LDasm.h 795 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Util\Utils.c 10460 2016-04-14
VT_demo\Util\Utils.h 2288 2016-04-14
VT_demo\VMH 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\VMH\amd64 0 2020-05-18
VT_demo\VMH\amd64\common-asm.asm 3218 2011-05-21
VT_demo\VMH\amd64\regs.asm 1426 2011-05-21
VT_demo\VMH\amd64\vmx-asm.asm 1710 2016-05-13
VT_demo\VMH\common.c 3864 2016-01-13
VT_demo\VMH\common.h 3691 2016-01-13
VT_demo\VMH\hvm.h 1087 2016-01-13
VT_demo\VMH\mem.c 4426 2016-04-27
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