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  • Update : 2020-07-30
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  • Author :小蚂蚁***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Deep learning is bringing revolutionary changes to a wide range of industries. For many applications, deep learning proves to be beyond human prediction by making faster and more accurate predictions. This book provides top-down and bottom-up approaches to demonstrate deep learning solutions to practical problems in different areas. These applications include computer vision, natural language processing, time series prediction and robotics.
Packet file list
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原书代码\.gitattributes 66 2018-05-22
原书代码\9781484235157.jpg 28610 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter10_RNN and LSTM in visual\sp500.csv 48119 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter10_RNN and LSTM in visual\Time Series forcasting with lstm model.ipynb 58177 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter11_Speech to text and vice versa\audio.wav 704556 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter11_Speech to text and vice versa\Speech to Text API and Text to Speech.ipynb 14096 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter12_Developing Chatbots\intent1.csv 1393 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter12_Developing Chatbots\Removing Punctuations.ipynb 72 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter12_Developing Chatbots\Removing Stopwords.ipynb 72 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter12_Developing Chatbots\TF-IDF and Word2Vec.ipynb 26152 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter12_Developing Chatbots\Tokenization.ipynb 72 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter13_Face Recognition\ 3062 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter13_Face Recognition\ 5288 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter13_Face Recognition\ 6612 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter1_Prerequisites of Deep Learning Numpy Pandas and Scikit-Learn\chapter1_summary.ipynb 341456 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter2_Basics of Tensorflow\chapter2_summary.ipynb 27538 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter2_Basics of Tensorflow\TFBasics.ipynb 6190 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter3_Understanding and working on Keras\chapter3_summary.ipynb 34522 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter3_Understanding and working on Keras\MLPMNIST.ipynb 32446 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter3_Understanding and working on Keras\model.h5 13115488 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter3_Understanding and working on Keras\modelWeight.h5 6564312 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter3_Understanding and working on Keras\Softmax _RegressionB.ipynb 9107 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter5_Regresson to MLP in Tensorflow\Implementing a hidden layer MLP.ipynb 23657 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter5_Regresson to MLP in Tensorflow\Linear Regression Tensorflow.ipynb 48633 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter5_Regresson to MLP in Tensorflow\Logistic Regression Tensorflow.ipynb 23254 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter5_Regresson to MLP in Tensorflow\Saved Games\desktop.ini 282 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\Fashion MNIST Data Logistic Regression in Keras.ipynb 3749 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\ 1520 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\iris_test.csv 511 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\iris_train.csv 4151 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\Log Linear Model using scikit learn and keras.ipynb 15944 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\Logistic regression using scikit Learn and keras.ipynb 4958 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\MLP on Iris Dataset.ipynb 16811 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\MLP on MNIST dataset digit classification.ipynb 7781 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\MLP on randomly generated data.ipynb 5545 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras\my_model.h5 1367784 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter8_CNN with Tensorflow\chapter 8.ipynb 10151 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter9_CNN with Keras\CNN_with_Keras.ipynb 6051 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter9_CNN with Keras\horse.jpg 6232 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter9_CNN with Keras\Image Classifier with cifar10 data.ipynb 4099 2018-05-22
原书代码\Chapter9_CNN with Keras\Pre-trained Models.ipynb 123152 2018-05-22
原书代码\ 677 2018-05-22
原书代码\ 225 2018-05-22
原书代码\LICENSE.txt 1350 2018-05-22
原书代码\ 553 2018-05-22
原书代码\Thumbs.db 14336 2019-05-27
原书代码\Chapter5_Regresson to MLP in Tensorflow\Saved Games 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter10_RNN and LSTM in visual 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter11_Speech to text and vice versa 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter12_Developing Chatbots 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter13_Face Recognition 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter1_Prerequisites of Deep Learning Numpy Pandas and Scikit-Learn 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter2_Basics of Tensorflow 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter3_Understanding and working on Keras 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter5_Regresson to MLP in Tensorflow 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter6_Regression to MLP in Keras 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter8_CNN with Tensorflow 0 2019-01-03
原书代码\Chapter9_CNN with Keras 0 2019-01-03
原书代码 0 2019-01-03
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