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  • Category : Game Program
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  • Update : 2021-01-31
  • Size : 1.26mb
  • Downloaded :2次
  • Author :peter*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
HLHL0.926 delphi sorces
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
DCU\ClsGames.dcu 16212 2008-03-17
DCU\ClsMaps.dcu 19531 2008-03-17
DCU\frmShowScript.dcu 6124 2008-03-17
DCU\frmTemplate.dcu 4033 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitClasses.dcu 52609 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitConsts.dcu 8863 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitDevelop.dcu 45870 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitGeneralSet.dcu 8502 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitGlobal.dcu 14555 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitImage.dcu 4177 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitMain.dcu 33323 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitSetWGAttr.dcu 13733 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitShowPets.dcu 6372 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitShowStuffs.dcu 7252 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitShowUniverseStove.dcu 7152 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitShowWGs.dcu 6135 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitShowWorkTransactions.dcu 6668 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitTimers.dcu 26674 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitTypesAndVars.dcu 3994 2008-03-17
DCU\UnitWelcome.dcu 10207 2008-03-17
DCU\UserApiInterface.dcu 1348 2008-03-17
Source\ClsGames.pas 16343 2005-09-02
Source\ClsMaps.pas 18607 2005-08-31
Source\frmShowScript.ddp 51 2005-08-19
Source\frmShowScript.dfm 2709 2005-07-02
Source\frmShowScript.pas 1901 2005-08-19
Source\frmTemplate.ddp 51 2005-08-29
Source\frmTemplate.dfm 392 2005-08-29
Source\frmTemplate.pas 700 2005-08-29
Source\HLHL.cfg 410 2008-03-17
Source\HLHL.dof 2661 2008-03-17
Source\HLHL.dpr 2040 2005-08-31
Source\HLHL.dsk 9471 2005-08-31
Source\HLHL.res 9464 2008-03-17
Source\Readme.txt 8367 2005-09-02
Source\UnitClasses.pas 74688 2005-09-14
Source\UnitConsts.pas 9995 2005-09-02
Source\UnitDevelop.ddp 51 2005-09-01
Source\UnitDevelop.dfm 37618 2005-09-01
Source\UnitDevelop.pas 41154 2005-09-01
Source\UnitGeneralSet.ddp 51 2005-08-31
Source\UnitGeneralSet.dfm 5108 2005-08-31
Source\UnitGeneralSet.pas 4046 2005-08-31
Source\UnitGlobal.pas 20919 2005-09-02
Source\UnitImage.ddp 51 2005-08-31
Source\UnitImage.dfm 36471 2005-08-29
Source\UnitImage.pas 678 2005-08-31
Source\UnitMain.ddp 51 2005-09-14
Source\UnitMain.dfm 13974 2005-09-02
Source\UnitMain.pas 32826 2005-09-14
Source\UnitSetWGAttr.ddp 51 2005-08-31
Source\UnitSetWGAttr.dfm 8808 2005-04-10
Source\UnitSetWGAttr.pas 10235 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowPets.ddp 51 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowPets.dfm 1866 2005-08-29
Source\UnitShowPets.pas 2102 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowStuffs.ddp 51 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowStuffs.dfm 2167 2005-08-29
Source\UnitShowStuffs.pas 3270 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowUniverseStove.ddp 51 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowUniverseStove.dfm 4083 2005-08-29
Source\UnitShowUniverseStove.pas 3363 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowWGs.ddp 51 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowWGs.dfm 1602 2005-08-29
Source\UnitShowWGs.pas 2048 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowWorkTransactions.ddp 51 2005-09-14
Source\UnitShowWorkTransactions.dfm 1764 2005-08-31
Source\UnitShowWorkTransactions.pas 2653 2005-09-14
Source\UnitTimers.ddp 51 2005-09-02
Source\UnitTimers.dfm 785 2005-08-31
Source\UnitTimers.pas 47585 2005-09-02
Source\UnitTypesAndVars.pas 3828 2005-08-31
Source\UnitWelcome.ddp 51 2005-09-02
Source\UnitWelcome.dfm 2967 2005-08-25
Source\UnitWelcome.pas 5575 2005-09-02
Source\UserApiInterface.pas 1545 2005-08-26
test\Project1.cfg 434 2006-09-03
test\Project1.dof 2265 2006-09-03
test\Project1.dpr 188 2006-09-03
test\Project1.exe 393216 2006-09-03
test\Project1.res 876 2005-09-01
test\Unit1.dcu 3985 2006-09-03
test\Unit1.ddp 51 2006-09-03
test\Unit1.dfm 773 2006-08-30
test\Unit1.pas 564 2006-09-03
HLHL.bpg 809 2005-09-01
HLHL.dsk 9304 2006-09-03
Bin\GameShare.dll 49152 2004-09-20
Bin\HLHL.exe 830464 2008-03-17
Bin\HLHL0.925.rar 407951 2006-06-17
Bin\Info\fate.ini 5021 2003-09-07
Bin\Info\HLHL.ini 160 2005-08-29
Bin\Info\map-ְҵ.ini 61235 2005-08-23
Bin\Info\map.ini 45644 2007-03-26
Bin\Info\map1.ini 48659 2005-04-16
Bin\Info\store.ini 1684 2005-08-19
Bin\Scripts\20000内药.ini 4117 2004-06-06
Bin\Scripts\20000血内药-新.ini 5051 2005-03-03
Bin\Scripts\20000血内药.ini 5178 2004-07-31
Bin\Scripts\2转飞地仙.ini 758 2003-11-23
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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