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  • Category : ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
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  • Update : 2012-11-26
  • Size : 543kb
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  • Author :赵***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The system is designed to improve the level of automation of the tengda company and the detailed investigation and analysis of the company's inventory information management system. Based on WINDOWS 98 platform, using Microsoft Access97, the inventory information management system developed under Visual Basic 6.0 programming environment. Interactions are used in this system the man-machine dialogue and modular design approach, the implementation of system management, its development mainly includes the establishment and maintenance of database and front-end application development two aspects. The former requires a library of data consistency and integrity and good data security. For the latter requires the application program function complete, easy to use features such as the development of the management system mainly in order to meet the needs of managers, reduce their workload, job easier, risk reduction. The system also USES data to query and save. The system's five master menus and a number of sub-menus can meet all of the manager's needs and make it work to meet the requirements of modern management.
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