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Downloads SourceCode Multimedia program
Title: waveoutming Download
 Description: WAVEOUT prepared using voice broadcast software, it is a continuous broadcast of a number of WAV document.
 To Search: waveout
  • [ip phone] - -Network telephone example, and it can c
  • [waveply1] - with Wave Wave API documentation players
  • [monitoringfolder.Rar] - a source control folder
  • [2004060420590032139] - It is a program to play speech record,us
  • [WavPlayer] - to show the waveform of audio file and p
  • [SoundVolume] - BCB frivolous write control the volume o
  • [MYPLAYWAVE] - VC 6.0 for the development of the player
  • [wave-player] - waveOut bottom function with direct broa
  • [CWaveFile] - This is a voice player for the broadcast
  • [trap] - MIB is not prepared to achieve the SNMP-
File list (Check if you may need any files):

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