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Title: IDEA Download
 Description: Strong encryption and decryption algorithms, beyond the DES algorithm, and easy to master, very good, oh
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader shineboy923]
 To Search: IDEA
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  • [EasyCipher] - I write using IDEA algorithm encryption
  • [ofdmmatlab] - OFDM in Matlab detailed implementation p
  • [GetCPUAndDisk] - be cpu sequence and the hard drive Xu Le
  • [IDEA] - This is a provision of the IDEA by VC en
  • [Idea] - Related to the IDEA encryption algorithm
  • [Pictures4ImageProcessing] - Image processing used in some of the cla
  • [tuxiangfenge] - On digital image processing (image segme
  • [code] - IDEA algorithm, C++ Realize, copy it to
  • [IDEA] - idea algorithm VC++ source, including th
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