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Title: rising钥匙盘破解源码 Download
 Description: Debug on the production of Rising antivirus software key source disk MOV BX, 200 memory base address (0 face) MOV DH, 00 head No. 00 MOV DL, 00 drive No. 00 (A disk) MOV CX, 4F01 4F (ie 79) of track that is on the 1st sector (CH = 4F CL = 01) MOV AH, 05 formatted track MOV AL, 09 consecutive read 9 sector INT 13 call on the 13th interruption INT 3 MOV BX, 300 memory base address (1 side) MOV DH, 01 head No. 01 MOV DL, 00 drive No. 00 (A disk) MOV CX, 4F01 4F (ie 79) of track that is on the 1st sector (CH = 4F CL = 01) MOV AH, 05 formatted track MOV AL, 09 consecutive read 9 sector INT 13 call on the 13th interrupt INT 20 return dos beginner compilation, please exhibitions!
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