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Title: OFDM_MATLAB_ Download
 Description: There are two procedures, both of them are used 4QAM modulation. But personally feel that a more easily understood, since they were written very structured. I changed that procedure is on the basis of the past. But in this there is a problem inside the channel coefficient is the only high to low, everyone can try, replaced by [0.227 0.46 0.688 0.46 0.227] This is the teacher for giving me frequently used in the simulation of channel coefficients, this has become normalized channel is the coefficient of the square and 1. The second procedure does not involve channel coefficient, but this process which, in the 128 sub-carrier, the before and after the air carrier has 32, this in OFDM is also frequently used, as this will reduce the misuse of rate.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader xuzhenhuaxu]
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