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Title: teachers-manager Download
 Description: Teacher file management background: 1. Menu customization management 2. Administrator password account management 3. The administrator added, modified, deleted 4. Database backup, compression, recovery, software space occupation 5. Add files: file number/name/made his name/sex/date of birth/bareheaded photo/marital status/id/political landscape Other members of the party member masses Join the group date/national/native/home address/phone number/zip code 6. Personal education: 1 Graduation time. Graduation time A graduate school Continue to education 7. Work situation: retired to compile the seniority grade of working age, and the record of rewards and punishments for the time of employment Personal status: any job in the school or unit of the year of he year will be a reference for the publication of the thesis 9. No component image upload 10. Support group deletion 11. Multi-functional enquiries: Real name: used name: student number: id number: gender: nationality/native place to inquire 12. System basic setting: website domain name website introduces the Logo icon initial account Cookies key
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