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Title: softhy111f Download
 Description: A paper company's fixed assets management system, mainly has the following functions: asset depreciation management query statements management system management increased fixed assets to reduce fixed assets loan return to send a fixed assets fixed assets after repairing the fixed assets depreciation monthly statistics monthly summary monthly depreciation allowance to send a query to reduce asset query enquiry after the fix assets loan assets query return assets card statements Accumulated depreciation report department report classified assets report log management system management system New users to modify the user operation information modify user password query user password assigned user permissions company information set department set up the system help information MemberShip management combines the MemberShip of Asp.net2.0 with SiteMap and master files Default administrator account: 51aspx, password: 51aspx.com App_Data is the database file, which is Sql2005 by default MySQL generates Sql statements for the database, which can be ignored if Sql2005 is installed
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 To Search: ASP.NET sql asp.net 2.0
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