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Title: P2Pprogram Download
 Description: Using the.net2005 integrated development environment, written in c # language, this executable runs in the.net framework 2.0 environment. Use the socket network programming based on UDP protocol, implements the hybrid P2P communication, to achieve resource sharing resources is a sentence (here), hybrid or have a central server (index), a number of the client, the client through the central server network, a central server is responsible for each client IP, port and provide the keywords and the requested keywords, the client requests the keyword with the client had even into the network provided by the keyword matching, if equal client IP and port of this resource, sent to the requestor, so the requester can and have the resources to communicate with the client resources, in other words, the central server is a transfer station, provide the client with its looking for content. Based on the above idea, write a server and client side.
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