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Title: dadijiesuan Download
 Description: from space geodetic coordinates to Cartesian coordinates, clearing land issues
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader flywangxuan]
 To Search:
  • [test_gauss_proj] - This a Gaussian-like projection transfor
  • [gps2xy] - geodetic coordinates to the coordinates
  • [FCDFunction] - Visual C development of a coordinate tra
  • [BLTOXYZ] - coordinates BL Gaussian conversion of Ca
  • [C_point] - a latitude and longitude calculated on t
  • [coordinateConvert] - practical geodetic coordinates middlewar
  • [gps] - The basic functions of GPS navigation in
  • [BLtoXY] - BL converted to latitude and longitude G
  • [coorcode.RAR] - gps latitude and longitude coordinates c
  • [gauss] - WGS84, Beijing Xian 54,80 coordinates, l
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