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Title: winsocksdk Download
 Description: a very good based on the console winsock Multicast procedures, debugging has been no error, xp operating system unmistakably
 To Search:
  • [I2Ctools] - environment : Keil decoder i2c schedulin
  • [LANwin32] - a LAN Multicast win32 procedures, includ
  • [internetdatamanage] - is a collection network and database tec
  • [speakfer] - multicast source code debugging After re
  • [Sender] - Code is changed again under windows with
  • [MakeTCPHole] - VC++ Realize TCP realize P2P communicati
  • [tongxinkafabao] - The development of a set of easy-to-use
  • [p2p] - dc++ (once a large-scale use of p2p) sou
  • [ial] - used under pSOS minigui graphics library
  • [multicast_study_resource] - Multicast experiment documented in detai
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