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Title: CcharpNoteBook Download
 Description: C# done in the notebook, we can see, for beginners
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader henlhf]
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  • [C#Note] - a certain practical value of the noteboo
  • [c#_pattern] - 23 was designed to recognized the histor
  • [Grade] - This is a network management system for
  • [project source code] - perfect source code in VC#,including all
  • [controlClock] - achieve a simple alarm clock controls, w
  • [DCT_fft] - image processing, DCT, FFT, histogram en
  • [fangkuer] - do C# Russian box so the Russian box C#
  • [Csharpnotepad] - Mimic the Notepad notepad, function perf
  • [Notepad] - Exquisite notebook, complete sets of con
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