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Title: VC_Standalone Download
 Description: with independent intellectual property rights of China Video Coding Standard AVS (Audio Video Codin Standard g) FOSS
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader yangfei9999]
 To Search: audio avs VIDEO
  • [MiniGis] - use VC development of micro-GIS
  • [AudioProgramming] - voice and multimedia examples.
  • [AVS] - AVS decoder source code and SDK routines
  • [AVS20060322] - standard interpretation, applicable to a
  • [AVS_STANDART(20060322).Rar] - AVS Video Coding Standard, (the draft fi
  • [DLLExample] - DLL example, if you want to truly unders
  • [avsmp7] - the People's Republic of China national
  • [AVS1.6] - Digital Audio Video Coding Standard Work
  • [TI-mpeg2] - ti the mpeg2-based development TM320DM64
  • [wav2mp3] - this a c++ source code that convert wav
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