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Downloads SourceCode Other Speech/Voice recognition/combine
Title: technical_report Download
 Description: mpeg2 audio encoding part of the testing needed to download the original code
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader ericandandy]
 To Search:
  • [mpeg2AudioSrc] - MPEG audio source, including 1,2-coding
  • [yysb] - Speech recognition source code, VC++ Ver
  • [telent] - C prepared by a simple transmission serv
  • [p2p] - C prepared P2P client and server to supp
  • [codec] - By TLV320AIC23 audio codec, on the one h
  • [RPGDEMO] - DX RPG demo game production process
  • [CAN] - TMS320LF2407 the can communication proce
  • [mpeg] - Including mpeg encoded source, the progr
  • [mpeg2_chs] - mpeg2 encoding audio and video streaming
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