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Title: p2p Download
 Description: Principle and implementation of P2P UDP through NAT (with source code) Original: shootingstars Reference: http://midcom-p2p.sourceforge.net/draft-ford-midcom-p2p-01.txt baidu There is often a discussion of P2P principles on BBS, but discussions are discussed and there is little substance produced (source code). Well, I'll use the source code of my own implementation to illustrate the principle of UDP through NAT. First, some basic concepts: Network Address translation: Network Address translation: Network Address translation is generated when the IP Address is increasingly lacking, and its main purpose is to be able to reuse the Address. NAT is divided into two broad categories, basic NAT and NAPT. NAT is a functional module that runs on a router. Basic NAT is proposed first, it produced based on the fact that a private network (domain) of the nodes in only a few nodes need to connect to the network (ha ha, this is put forward in the mid - 1990 - s). In this subnet, there are only a few nodes that require the world's only IP address, and the IP addresses of other nodes should be reusable. Thus, the basic NAT implementation is simple, using a reserved IP subnet segment within the subnet that is not visible to the external world. There are only a few IP addresses in the subnet that correspond to the only IP addresses in the world. If these nodes need to access an external network, the basic NAT is responsible for converting the node's subnet internal IP to
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