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Title: modifysysmenudlg Download
 Description: This example is a classic c + + / MFC dialog box procedure, set up EX_WM_TOOLWINDOW extended style, therefore in the left upper corner of the title bar can't see the icon in the system menu, but by Ctrl + Space, or in the title bar click the right mouse button to bring up the menu system. The example program customizes the system menu, adding two menu commands to the original menu: one to display the "about" dialog box; The other is "exit." To add an "exit" menu command, the example program overwrites the default "close" menu command behavior (alt-f4) to hide the dialog box. Therefore, a program must be added to exit exit. In addition, the example program USES a third party system tray to process classes, using the system tray icon to display/hide the dialog box. Let's take a look at the details of the c ++/MFC implementation.
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