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Title: IndiaCourse_51aspx Download
 Description: University course management system program source (India) It is mainly a search for university courses, and users can add courses on their own after registration. They can use the background management universities and secondary colleges The code for an Indian students using VS2005 development of a set of business applications, used the object-oriented development, although the function is simple, but the code is very clear, is really worth our friends should have a good look at Asp.net developers, especially college students. Main functions: User registration, login and modification of personal information Online college, secondary college, professional courses and other information can be searched online The Utils folder is the generic class file DB_51aspx is the SQL database file, appended The original is pure English and is transformed by liudao sinicization Transformation: Remove the word "India" Make the database and so on support Chinese characters (modify the sort rules, otherwise Chinese will become question mark) Most menu and control names are translated The default administrator account password is 51aspx
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 To Search: vs2005 asp.net
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