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Title: ad9850 Download
 Description: AD9850 Papers 2, 9850, introduced the use of chip dds
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jhdtry]
  • [Thesis] - This article describes how to make use o
  • [9850] - KeilC51 programming, and 51 AD9850 inter
  • [ddfs] - my own use VHDL to achieve series dds, a
  • [qitijiance] - full dissertation topic-the main design
  • [AD9850] - This procedure for the AD9850 (DDS) Dire
  • [zxxhfsq] - Sinusoidal signal generator signal gener
  • [9850] - This is the AD9850 driver, after the exp
  • [ad9850-1] - Based on the AD9850 digital signal gener
  • [AD9852] - DDS chip AD9852 complete the DEMO board
  • [at89s51+ad9850+lcd1] - This the DDS AD9851 using AT89S51 contro
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