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Title: expressions_in_whole_life Download
 Description: This is a necessary reference book from grade one to doctor class! "The formula of lifetime" has reassembled the standard mathematical and physical formulas that have been developed over the millennia, and given a new look, a primer, a memorandum, and a reference book. It collects formulas for the geometry of area, volume, plane and sphere. Gears and pulleys, gravity, basic mechanics, lens, electromagnetic, fluid, gas equation; There are also permutations, statistics, calculus, and high dimensional space formulas. In addition, important terms, mathematical physical constants and metric unit conversion tables are also detailed in the appendix. The book is full of fascinating illustrations, rich in content, and it is hard to imagine that this is from the hands of two musicians who are worth pondering and collecting. By Matthew Watkins The British, a musician and a mathematician. After completing a research project sponsored by the Royal Society, he bought a donkey and stayed away from the crowd, and now lives a nearly nomadic lifestyle.
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