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Title: WMIclass Download
 Description: WMI is the core of Windows 2K/XP management system; For other Win32 operating systems, WMI is a useful plug-in. WMI is based on the CIMOM, CIMOM namely public Information Model Object Manager (Common Information Model Object Manager), is a description Object database, operating system, constitute a unit for MMC and script provides an access to the operating system constitutes a public interface unit. With WMI, there is no need to use different apis to access different parts of the operating system; Instead, different parts of the operating system can be plugged into WMI. WMI allows you to access multiple operating system components through a common interface, so you don't have to treat various low-level interfaces or so-called providers separately. Use WMI to efficiently manage remote and local computers; In contrast, not all Windows 2K/XP command-line tools support remote running.
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