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Downloads SourceCode Multimedia program mpeg mp3
Title: mp3 Download
 Description: DSP-based high-fidelity MP3 decoder, A DSP-based decompressor unit for high-fidelity MPEG-Audio over TCP/IP networks
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader netxiao2005]
 To Search: dsp mp3 mp3
  • [C54_USB_MP3_decoder] - C54xx use TI DSP development of the MP3
  • [jtqyjxmkf] - Proficient in ASP.NET 2.0 enterprise-cla
  • [PCandMCU] - I write VB microcontroller-based PC seri
  • [MP3player] -
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  • [mp3encodec] - MP3 encoder design, the development of h
  • [mp3decode] - Using C language MP3 decoding procedures
  • [layer3] - Layer3 source decoder, MP3 decoder for P
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