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Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop File Operate
Title: tiqushuju Download
 Description: A text file to read the procedures specified location, a text file data to a matrix of storage! Then the data into one text file
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 杨光]
 To Search:
  • [VCcodeReadFile] - VC literacy txt documents, data from spa
  • [CStdioFilereadfile] - VC CStdioFile literacy document integrit
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  • [122343] - a complete VC isogram code, it is worth
  • [vcFileIO] - Abstract : 1. CFile use category for doc
  • [File] - const char* and char* const distinction.
  • [ReadTxt] - This procedure achieved a TXT file read
  • [readtext] - Reading into a text data, conversion int
  • [txt] - Txt text file format and save the docume
  • [Demo] - VC++ text file line by line to read the
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