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Title: PapersAboutOpenCV Download
 Description: This is excellent Chinese硕博Download Papers Library is on the OpenCV (Intel CPU optimized images, Computer Vision Library) Papers! Feel good, to share with everyone!
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 To Search: OpenCV
  • [boost_cvpr.tar] - abroad an excellent computer vision imag
  • [jsjsj3] - computer vision books Computer Vision Qu
  • [calib] - First Book of Computer Vision (Ma Songde
  • [ObexDemo] - Simple Bluetooth communication code, thr
  • [opencvsource] - OpenCV open picture in VC6 Method and Im
  • [RICE] - OPENCV grain of rice based on the outlin
  • [suijituoyuanjiancesuanfa] - Introduce a kind of ellipse detection me
  • [1] - A c# write program to screenshot。
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