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Title: pcap Download
 Description: This a use WinPcap to do a small procedure, you can capture the second layer of network traffic, view the detailed data, the lower the development of useful friends ah!! Use Description: http://winpcap.polito.it downloaded from the WinPcap Developer s Pack and unzip the WinPcap Developer s Pack of Includes and lib folder to join VC environment, and specific steps: Tools-> Options-> Directories-> Show directories for: include files: add WinPcap Developer s Pack of Includes , Tools-> Options-> Directories-> Show directories for: library files: add WinPcap Developer s Pack in lib. For the project itself, Project-> settings-> C/C++-> Preprocessor definitions add WPCAP, Project-> settings-> Object/Library modules: add wpcap.lib packet.lib. Compile and run, have passed the tests.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader songshiyou888]
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