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Title: opencv Download
 Description: Written by opencv video capture source. Oh, very useful. Opencv can learn to see.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jingyi01]
 To Search: opencv opencv codebook
  • [GetImageFromVideo] - execution functions of the video image c
  • [CBVRtest] - video retrieval procedures for the key t
  • [2] - Started under OPENCV introduction as wel
  • [sourcecodeofbookaboutopencv] - This is the basis for chapter tutorials
  • [cvbook] - opencv code book, including image proces
  • [face_detect] - OPENCV make a face recognition and track
  • [blobtrack] - Moving object tracking vc-source opencv
  • [Camerads] - Video collection procedures, including D
  • [cvcam] - CVCAM use the module to read OPENCV vide
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