Description: Using VHDL language programmable chip serial 8251, including all of the features of 8251
- [8251_8055_verilog] - 8251 and 8055 verilog the source, and in
- [8251] - 8251 complete function of the realizatio
- [vhd2vl.tar] - VHDL design will be converted into Veril
- [89c51-IO] - The commonly used MCS51 and PIC series M
- [8255_OSED] - Using VHDL language programmable paralle
- [8251] - 8251 chip features VHDL description can
- [a8254] - I have written 8254 counter/timer, reali
- [lcd-code] - Relatively complete LCD interface code,
- [Intel8251] - Intel 8251 with VHDL realization of the
- [Proteus] - protues
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