Description: VHDL language to achieve the CRC checksum, function forms, including CRC4, CRC8, CRC16 and CRC32
- [crc] - CRC inspection program, which use crc-16
- [cyclicalredundancycheckunicef.orgalgorithm.R] - This is a small program used to achieve
- [crc_test] - using CRC-16, CCITT CRC polynomial test
- [VHDLnf] - VHDL arbitrary integer frequency,-- n as
- [FPGA_QPSK] - This document is based on the FPGA-QPSK
- [djpeg] - Realize jpeg image decoding capabilities
- [crc_check] - CRC checksum, including crc8_4, crc12_4,
- [CRC8] - it is a crc on 8 bytes
- [crc8] - 8bit crc code genergator,after delay one
- [crc8] - verilog of 8bit error checkout
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