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Title: wcf_p2pChat Download
 Description: By the C# Developed based on. Net3 the WCF platform instant messaging program. Adopt the most advanced non-traditional P2P structure
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader raylynn]
  • [p2pmsrc] - p2p very good source.
  • [p2pmess-src-3.0] - peer-to-peer chat program, c#. Netframwo
  • [SendMessageC.Net] - This is a. NET network to achieve real-t
  • [skype] - found on the Internet SKYPE source, peer
  • [DotNetQQ] - This is a NET platform by C# To achieve
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  • [qq2008] - Using C
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  • [drawme] - wpf+ wcf remote chat program, it is the
  • [WPFchatSystem] - My English is very poor!
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