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Downloads SourceCode Communication-Mobile Voice Compress
Title: iTu-1-16 Download
 Description: itu-t g.729 source code, the network popular are 1:1 compression ratio, this source is a 1:16 scaled the stream of compressed code
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader fujinlin0725]
 To Search: G.729
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  • [g729Encoder] - TI C54 decode written code, zoom view hi
  • [G.729] - ITU-T s G.729 algorithm VC6.0 projects,
  • [MyQQ] - The realization of the basic functions o
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  • [G.729A_for_dsp] - On G.729A optimized DSP code for the aud
  • [SRC] - C source code-G.729a voice G.729a voice
  • [G.729] - G.729
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