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Title: TabView Download
 Description: 2005 wrote TabView, adding support for multiple views TabCtrl category.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader swliubin]
 To Search: tabview CCtrlView T
  • [ampuisrc] - The sourcecode of implementing the UI as
  • [ebook] - Example in which can exchange many views
  • [TabView] - achieve the same as Excel Tab index, pro
  • [TabView] - good as Excel interface TabView, is the
  • [TestTabView] - tabview. based on CTabCtrl you can add d
  • [VCTabView2] - excellent Tab View Control Mode 2, VC 6.
  • [msdidao] - The program is a multi-document view pro
  • [MultiTab] - In a multi-document window view to achie
  • [VCbeauty] - vc interface on the landscaping informat
  • [VC++080719] - VC++ 100 cases of high-level interface e
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