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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network Ftp Client
Title: UpAndDown Download
 Description: VB achieved FTP-based file upload download tools, drag-and-drop interface to support the tree
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jackie-900]
 To Search:
  • [SelectData] - himself wrote a small program used data
  • [vb-socket] - winsock Control of the use of server and
  • [cilentmanager] - a client system, VB SQL, which type of c
  • [fgtuik] - file transfer program, there are a numbe
  • [QQ-Management(vb)] - QQ, a very professional account manageme
  • [vbftp] - VB Controls INET simple to use FTP all t
  • [JSJ] - 2.1 Design of the general requirements o
  • [vb-ftp] - From the specified file to read the need
  • [VB-ASP-DLL] - VB built dll file upload, suitable combi
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