Description: HSV (Hue- hue, Saturation- Saturation, Value- purity) color model also known as HSB (Hue- hue, Saturation- Saturation, Brightness- brightness), usually used in graphics applications to define a color space. Tone value range is 0-360, saturation and brightness value range is 0-1
- [ColorSelDemo] - cool colors controls, the right hue, sat
- [HSV] - RGB and HSV conversion example, the HSV-
- [Gamut] - this program for the use of opencv produ
- [colorspace] - The realization of RGB YPbPr YCbCr/YCC Y
- [Gobang] - Gobang, can Gobang game
- [work1] - Color night vision image retrieval syste
- [ColorHistogram] - Image Color Feature Extraction: HSV colo
- [example-template] - K-means clustering algorithm can be achi
- [Black_White] - Online version of Reversi. Encryption pi
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