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Title: PCA_JC Download
 Description: Face Recognition Algorithm classic- PCA (Matlab to achieve)
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jchen0690]
 To Search:
  • [aPCAalgorithmMatlabprocedures.Rar] - principal component analysis (PCA) algor
  • [rk4] - function [tout, yout] = rk4 (ypfun. tspa
  • [pca.Rar] - face recognition aspects of the PCA algo
  • [pca] - PCA (Principal Component Analysis) face
  • [DDE] - A fairly detailed introduces the concept
  • [pca] - err
  • [IPCA_JC_1] - A face recognition algorithm incremental
  • [IPCA_JC_3] - Face another incremental learning algori
  • [Runge-KuttaC++] - In the use of Runge- Kutta (RK) methods
  • [pca] - Their own to do a PCA Face Recognition A
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