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Title: GPRS Download
 Description: GPRS specific routines papers, detailed programming examples of GPRS
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader denniscz]
  • [simcom100] - simcom100 GPRS module program
  • [Rezeption-gprs] - Embedded linux gprs under the code, to l
  • [520] - Engineering master's thesis, based on ad
  • [SIMCOM300] - SIMCOM300 data. Including control messag
  • [GPRS] - sim300c the GPRS module GPRS module Stat
  • [class_Gtm900] - Huawei GPRSGTM900 class, all operations
  • [uCOS-IIphone] - Phone design, see it. This is a referenc
  • [q2403] - WAVECOM Q2403A/Q2406 the Chinese user ma
  • [gprs_SOKET] - GPRS-SOCKET communications procedures, d
  • [sim300GPRS] - gprs data to send and receive procedures
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