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Title: jsp2pDelphi Download
 Description: P2P instant messaging chat software (all source) Delphi
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader psudwqqk]
 To Search: delphi chat p2p delphi
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  • [FlashPlayer_yzhhome] - Flash player, very beautiful interface,
  • [skype] - found on the Internet SKYPE source, peer
  • [choose] - err
  • [JJYY] - QQ chat client and senver delphi7clients
  • [P2PChat] - Simple chat software, development tools
  • [xuyuchat] - Using Delphi to write a chat program in
  • [p2p] - A P2P chat program, including client and
  • [Chat] - C S-> (client status)// not initialize
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