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Title: calendar Download
 Description: Shouxing calendar is a use of modern astronomical algorithms produced by the Lunar calendar program, calendar and return to the calendar containing information can be very convenient for the public and farmers, between the back three calendar conversion. Provide AD-4712 AD 9999 to the date of the inquiry. 1500 to 1940, one of the Lunar New data has Yuan s "History of Twenty Schomburg Darun Table" matching contains 420 from the public (the Northern and Southern Dynasties/Song Emperor first year) to this basic reign title. In the past several hundred years, the calendar Shouxing error is very small, cycle time calculation and the sun combined Schomburg moment the average error is less than one second, the sun coordinates the greatest possible error is 0.2 arcsec, the moon coordinates of the maximum possible error is 3 arcsec, with an average error of error of 1/6. Calendar contains hundreds of latitude and longitude of domestic cities, and users may need to be extended in accordanc
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