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Title: myseelite_2007_06_28 Download
 Description: Mysee Lite are Mysee independent R & D network video streaming media player system. There should be at the P2P technology and a series of advanced streaming media technology, OpenMysee in the existing network bandwidth based on the greatly improve the quality of video, including screen fluency, clarity and the number of concurrent users. Applies to the network can broadcast live video and large-scale video conferencing, large-scale distance learning, IPTV and other fields.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jff.nothing]
File list (Check if you may need any files):
.........\...\Layer1 概要分析.doc
.........\...\Mysee Lite入门手册.doc

.........\...\........\windows media services 使用帮助.doc



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