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Title: delphi6_14 Download
 Description: delphi source code control: contains 14 kinds of controls the expansion of functions: 1, with CheckBox the GroupBox. When in the selected state, GroupBox controls in are available, otherwise it is unavailable. 2, can be custom icon, text DBNavigator control. 3, can control the form of the jump in the order of input focus. 4, graphics, button controls, may designate a normal state, mouse, mouse click when the picture. Can make similar Kingsoft button effect in 2001. ...
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader xu-work]
 To Search: GroupBox
  • [MouseControl] - mouse clicks control procedures, similar
  • [VCandMapX] - with vc MapX based on the map display an
  • [DA] - DA conversion code
  • [GroupBox] - An expansion of fonts and colors of the
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