Description: DMA VHDL design IP core often encountered in large data exchange to use DMA, the IP core from the open-source organizations, free open source version
- [adma] - Wishbone dma ip core
- [wdma] - DMA introduced the basic concepts and wo
- [DMA] - Nios achieved in an example of DMA proce
- [ADC] - This example describes how to use the AD
- [webserver] - Under uClinux embedded WEB server, and t
- [ansys-flac] - ansys-flac using input data generated No
- [mdct.tar] - Image coding, such as H263 264 AVS must
- [10pci_host] - Verilog Hdl the PCI-based control code
- [DMA_Sample] - PPC PCI DMA Sample code
- [SOPC] - The sopc design, including process desig
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