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Title: 图书馆管理 Download
 Description: The books manage 1, the input form and the input value scope: The books through the input book number, the book title, the author, the total storage quantity establish a B- tree, the book number, 鐜板瓨閲?and the total storage quantity uses int, the book title, the author uses 20 characters strings form definition borrowing through the input book number, the books card number borrows the books, establishes a borrowing chain table to record borrows the situation books card number is 20 characters strings 2. outputs forms: The B- tree indents the table form to demonstrate, borrowing borrows the books card number, borrows the books the content, borrows the date to demonstrate 3. this procedure realization picks to a book enrolls the storehouse, eliminates the stock, borrows and returns, initially realizes the books to manage
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