Description: Mainly on the color space to describe some of the knowledge. RGB, HSI, LAB, YUV, HSV, LUV, etc.
- [hsv] - a show called HSV color the results of t
- [Quantizationmatlab] - Vector quantization with documentation a
- [rgb2hsi] - Matlab image processing in the RGB model
- [GlColor] - OPGL color space transformation and show
- [ColorHistogram] - Image Color Feature Extraction: HSV colo
- [RGBtoHSI] - The program is used for color image form
- [rgb2luv] - Translate a color image from RGB color s
- [corlorprocessing] - RGB, HSV, NTSC and YCbCr color model a v
- [motiotest] - DaVinci DM6437 DSP platform motion detec
- [Segmentation] - some segmentation methods, including col
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